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Don’t forget to ask about utilities when buying a home in Colorado Springs

By in Buying

There are so many factors to consider when buying a home in Colorado Springs such as price range, location, size, and amenities that buyers often forget to inquire about utility bills.  Utility Bills?  Yes, you heard me right.

With the costs of everything going up lately including the price for natural gas and other Colorado Springs utilities it is wise to know how much the current homeowner pays for them in any home you are interested in purchasing.

Utility bills vary for different home sizes and floor plans.  A home with vaulted ceilings may have a higher utility bill than a home without them.  Are there many windows in the home?  More windows may be an indication that more cold air is seeping into the home during the winter months.  If the home is older in age it may not be as energy efficient as a home built green in 2008.  If the home is not insulated properly, cold air may come in easily while warm air may creep out quickly.

Request the most recent utility from the homeowner and find out what the average utility bill is during the winter months (when most heat is used) and during the summer months (when central air and outside watering is used most).

With the increasing cost of utilities, you want to ensure the utility bill for the home you buy in Colorado Springs is not outrageous!

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